Labor Doula- Guiding You Through the Miracles of Birth

Welcoming a new life into the world is a remarkable journey filled with anticipation, joy, and sometimes uncertainty. At Boundless Birth, my experience and support empower you during this transformative and beautiful process. Every birth should be a positive and memorable experience, and I’m committed to ensuring you feel confident and in control throughout your labor and delivery.

Our Services

Why Choose a Labor Doula?

Labor is a momentous event; having a trained doula by your side can make all the difference. My labor doula services are designed to provide continuous support, guidance, and encouragement to you and your birthing partner, ensuring that you have the best possible birth experience.

Here's how my labor doula service can benefit you:

  • Emotional Support: Being a compassionate listener and strong pillar of emotional support, I’m here to understand your unique needs, fears, and desires, creating a safe space for you to express yourself openly.

  • Knowledge and Education: Throughout your pregnancy, I’ll share evidence-based information on childbirth, pain management techniques, and labor positions, helping you make informed decisions that align with your birth preferences.

  • Advocacy: I believe in advocating for your choices and preferences during labor and delivery. I work alongside your medical team to ensure your birth plan is respected and honored to the best of my ability.

  • Comfort Measures: From soothing massage techniques to relaxation exercises, I offer a variety of comfort measures to ease your discomfort and promote a more relaxed labor experience.

  • Partner Involvement: I actively involve your birthing partner, providing guidance and reassurance, so they can support you in the most meaningful and helpful ways.

  • Positive Birth Environment: Creating a positive and serene birthing environment is vital. I work to establish a calming atmosphere that promotes relaxation and confidence.

Our Approach to Labor Support

Every person and every birth is unique, so my labor doula services are tailored to suit your individual needs and preferences. Before the big day, I'll meet with you to understand your birth goals and discuss how we can best support you during labor and delivery.

During labor, I'll be there by your side, offering continuous support and encouragement, and adapting our approach to your changing needs throughout the process. My ultimate goal is to ensure you feel empowered and in control, helping you to embrace this transformative moment with strength and confidence.

When you choose our labor doula services, you can expect:

  • Two Prenatal Visits: I'll meet with you twice during your pregnancy to discuss your birthing options, create a personalized birth and postpartum plan, practice comfort measures for labor, and provide you with essential perinatal education.

  • Check-In Calls: I’m here for you beyond our prenatal visits. I'll schedule two check-in calls to address any concerns, discuss pregnancy topics, and ensure you feel supported throughout your pregnancy.

  • On-Call Support: From 37-42 weeks of gestation, I’m on-call and ready to provide continuous support during your labor and delivery whenever you need me.

  • Continuous Labor Support: I will be by your side throughout your entire labor, offering unwavering emotional and physical support, and I’ll stay with you for up to one hour after birth to support your breastfeeding journey.

  • Two-Hour Postpartum Closure Visit: After your birth experience, I'll have a postpartum closure visit to support your emotional healing, help smooth the transition into parenthood, address common postpartum worries, and provide quality lactation support.

  • The Rose Of Jericho: Experience the calming and focusing properties of The Rose Of Jericho, a sacred symbol of the birthing process, during the rushes of labor.

  • 20% Off Bump-In-Bloom Maternity Clothing Rental: Enjoy a discount of 20% on Bump-In-Bloom maternity clothing rental services.

How Can a Labor Doula Help You?

Research has shown that the continuous support of a labor doula can lead to significant benefits, including:

  • A 25% decrease in the rate of cesarean section

  • A 10% decrease in the use of pain medication

  • An average reduction of 41 minutes in labor duration

  • A 38% lower risk of a low APGAR score for the baby

  • A 31% decrease in the chance of dissatisfaction with the labor experience

  • My labor doula services empower you and your birthing partner, ensuring that you feel supported, informed, and in control during this transformative time.

Reach out today to learn more about our labor doula services and begin your journey towards a positive and empowering birth experience.

Flexible Payment Options and Special Discounts:

I understand that every family's needs are unique, so I offer payment plans to make my services accessible to all. Additionally, you can add Boundless Birth services to your baby registry, allowing your loved ones to contribute to your labor doula package.

With the purchase of any labor package, I offer a fifteen percent discount on any a la carte service.

***** We are eligible for carrot fertility benefits*****

“If a Doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it” - John Kennell M.D., Pediatrician

Dekker, Rebecca. “Evidence on: Doulas.” Evidence Based Birth®, 19 Mar. 2021,